Friday, June 24, 2016

Church Campout!

  This post is a bit overdue... however I wanted to add more photos before posting!
I didn't.  I just decided to post it and fill in the pictures 'someday'. (Yes, I know that means I"ll probably never get around to it - but there's always a chance!)  

Our church hosted a campout at lake Le-Aqua-Na State Park, in Lena, Illinois, last month! We had a wonderful time, even though the weather turned out to be a bit on the chilly side! 

  By the time we arrived on Friday, the rain had started... It wasn't terribly hard rain, but it persisted long after dark!
  So we spent the evening playing euchre with another couple (in their camper this time), my team won the first game! ... But Mike's team won the next two.  They kept getting great hands in Spades! (Literally, the same suit, over and over and over... ) But we had fun anyway! :)

  Friday night was a chilly one outside, but we stayed nice and cozy in our Scamp with a mini-electric heater running. Zoey seemed comfy too, no shivering in the night this trip!

  The morning was super peaceful and relaxing... A breeze made the shadows of the oak behind us dance on the curtains as the early sunlight filtered through the branches and the birds sang cheerfully and flited fun branch to branch.

  Mike is far more of a morning person than I, so he took Zoey for a walk, practically as soon as his eyes were open!

  I, however, appreciate the coziness of staying buried in a pile of warm blankets, listening to everything else wake up - first the tiny chatter of birds, which grows louder as they start moving more... Then starts the campers as the "good morning" whispers start to stir, a tent un-zips in the distance,  and the rhythm of a single pair of tennis shoes on still-damp pavement marches quietly past...

  Camper doors open and close, and fires start to crackle... The light is strong now as the sun has finished rising, and the early-bird people are making their way back to their campsites or taking their dogs for a walk...
   But the coziest place to be is still wrapped up in the blankets, watching the shadows of tree branches dance on the curtains (or tent walls, 'cause that's pretty awesome too), and listening to life wake up all around you.  It's a lovely reminder of how good my Jesus is, and how blessed we are to be alive!
  I heard footsteps approaching, accompanied by the patter of paws on pavement, and I knew this cozy morning was coming to an end... Mike and Zoey returned from their morning walk, so I had to crawl out of my cozy cocoon and pack up all that cozy-nes to set up our table again... But, oh, what a lovely morning it was!

  We had 'Blueberry-Breakfast-Cake' with vanilla-protein frosting, for breakfast, yummy... At some point I set up my laptop and got pictures transferred into my hard drive, sorted, and imported to Lightroom... Then took Zoey for a run with our bike, while Mike joined the guys at the fire outside... I returned and met the ladies (who were warm in one of the campers ^_^ - love it!)
  Then Zoey was cold so I took her back to the scamp and worked on some photo editing in the coziness of our warm Scamp!

It was a really peaceful trip, accompanied by good fellowship and fun!  
(I do have lots more pictures to share... just have to find the time to upload them soon!)

Thank you, Rhonda, for organizing it for everyone!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

#RockYourHandwriting Challenge - June!

So I'm a few days late in joining this, but I'm so excited!
    I started a bullet journal this month, and I LOVE it!  One of the things I found when looking into starting a bullet journal, was the #rockyourhandwriting challenge on Instagram, hosted by @boho.berry, @decadethirty, @prettyprintsandpaper, and @tinyrayofsunshine,  the challenge is simple...

 just follow the hosts on Instagram, write whatever the prompt is for that day, and post it on your Instagram with the hashtag "#RockYourHandwriting" =D  So simple, right!?!

Here's the challenge for June 2016...


     And to make it even simpler for me, I'm copying this chart right into my bullet journal!

  (I'll do a post about my bullet journal in a couple weeks, so I have enough stuff in the journal to make it worth reading! lol)

      What do you think?  Are you going to join the handwriting challenge for June???
  If you do, don't forget to tag @SimplyOlmstead to let me know, and I'll follow you!

PS - Not on Instagram?  Not a problem, the challenge can be shared on any social media, or not shared at all - it's totally up to you!

Here are snapshots of various days from the challenge!