Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A Jaw Infection...

Sometime early last week my Jaw started bothering me... the week before that I'd had a canker sore waaay in the back on the top right side. (It was behind my last molar, felt like it was so far back that it was practicly in my throught - so it hurt to swallow or even breath. Ugh.)  So I noticed a little lump on the left side of my jaw when we were at that wedding, but I was distracted by the canker sore... and didn't pay attention to the lump... at first.

    On wednesday it was kinda swoolen... I didn't say anything 'cause I figured it was just going to be another canker sore and that it would surface and go away on its own.

Then on Thursday it was really sore, so I mentioned it to Mike and he said he could see it was a bit swollen...  and that if it was worse on Friday I should call the oral surgeon's office where I had my wisdom teeth extracted (May 6th).  I tried rinsing the extraction site Thursday night and it hurt like crazy...

Then came Friday morning...
(By the way - I was exhausted all week... and Thursday/Friday were the worst.)

 So I called the oral surgeon, but he was out of the office for the day.  The secretary said He'd want to see me and wanted to make an appointment for Monday or Tuesday.  Mike and I were talking about it and I emailed a picture for my Dad to look at... he came over right away. (lol)

 And after looking at my jaw he said that the dude would just have to come in to the office to see me, cause it couldn't wait till Monday.  But the office is just over an hour from our house - and it was already 2:30 on a Friday.

So Dad called and talked to the office staff (told them that He's a nurse), told them the symptoms and said that it couldn't wait till Monday. After that, the Dr. called in a prescription for amoxicillin and said to start it right away. 

 Saturday Evening...

  The pain and swelling started getting better that night, and both are pretty much gone (it feels kinda like a bruise, doesn't hurt unless I bump it).  Hopefully this will be the last of the trouble with my wisdom teeth!

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