Happy {Belated} New Year Everyone!
It's hard to believe that it is already MARCH!!!
So here's my brief re-cap of the events of last year!
In January my friend Ivy and I launched a KickStarter campaign to fund her inspirational short film, "Essence: Exploring the Horse Human Relationship". The campaign wrapped up in February, meeting our funding goal of $8,000, and raising a total of $10,870! We filmed full time all of June, and the better part of July - overcoming several set backs due to rain, and a back-ordered Quad-Copter!

While we had originally projected that the film would be released mid-late October in 2015, the unexpected delays, but most specifically that of the Quad copter, really set us back several months! Our composer finished the custom score in February, and we were able to release the film to our backers! Essence was accepted in the Christian Worldview Film Festival 2016, and will be released online after the Festival takes place.

Another film project I worked on last year, was the Sequel to 2014's short film "Kickstart Millionaires" (Watch it Free on YouTube for a half hour of smiles and laughter!) Both Kickstart Millionaires and it's sequel "The Gamers Guide to Surviving the Camping Apocalypse", were film projects I was involved in with Broken Record Films.
I do the makeup for our film group, and Gamers Guide had a bit more special-makeup needs than Kickstart Millionaires had! So there was a lot of SFX (Special Effects Makeup) practice...

It's been a blast learning the process of film-making and growing together as friends, as a team, and individuals as we overcome challenges and frustrations, both on-set and in pre & post production! Gamer's Guide was also selected for the Christian Worldview Film Festival, and will be also be released online after the festival this month. Having seen the finished product at the Official Screening, I can tell you it turned out awesome!

November brought another Chunky Monkey 5-K! We run [walk] every year in honor of my baby brother, who was diagnosed with Epilepsy in January 2012.
Zoey came to Chunky Monkey all dressed up in Purple in honor of Epilepsy Awareness!
We did a bit of camping last year! We decided to start working our way across the state, with the ultimate goal of camping in every State park in Wisconsin! (Well, all the parks that have overnight camping anyway!) To kick off our adventure, we packed up and went to the Apostle Islands for our anniversary in May...

And wrapped up our camping season up by Green Bay last fall!

Zoey is quickly becoming a seasoned camper! She is awesome in the car, doesn't bother neighboring campers, only barks when there is a coon or something in our campsite at night, and is always friendly when meeting strangers! Zoey turned two last year (Sometime between Christmas and New Years!), and has grown into a well muscled and good mannered companion. Her eye's have been doing great and I haven't had to use the steroid drops in months! She enjoys going to dogie day care at Charlies Bark Park and has several canine friends she enjoys socializing with!
Other Events in 2015 included...

The birth of my third Niece!

Becoming an Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay!
(More on this in another post!)
Of course there was the traditional Church League Softball games on Friday nights all through the summer...

And the City Band Concerts...

My little sister was Baptized!

And Mike started Bee-Keeping!

I've really enjoyed photographing my hubbys Bee hobby, and am excited for this years Bee keeping adventures! He and his Dad have been combining their Bee venture thus far, and are increasing from three hives, to six for this season. While we did get honey last year, we didn't have enough that we were able to sell any, or use it for gifts as much as we would like to. Hopefully, that will be different this year!

Kinda mixed in with everything was photography...

Lots of Photography...

As usual the year wrapped up with the annual sewing of Christmas Jammies for everybody under 16!
Anna came along to help pick out the fabric this year...

And the finished products!

I'm leaving out so much, but this is already long, so I'll leave it at that!
2015 was great, 2016 is looking even better!
God Bless!
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